- Location: Joshua Tree National Park, CA (Withheld)
- Travel Date: 3-23-2019
- Written: 3-25-2019
Joshua Tree National Park has many strange rock formations and strange looking trees but the strangest of things is the Iron Door Cave.
The Iron Door Cave (as its known), is not listed on any maps, its not mentioned in any brochures and anyone who knows about or has been there, will most likely not disclose its location.
Legend has it that this cave was used by a local rancher/ miner named William Keys to keep his disabled son imprisoned. Some believe that the cave was used to store dynamite while other claim it was used for both purposes. Upon doing some investigation, we noticed there are no mines located near the Iron Door Cave to justify the storage of dynamite. Nevertheless, something of importance was stored or kept imprisoned inside.
With all of the strange things that occur in life, a man imprisoning his disabled son inside of the cave wouldn’t surprise me. The cave can be found North of the Hidden Valley Campground. Happy Hunting!